Thursday, October 18


S- Mommy, do you want to know what's different about my teacher Ms. Caitlin?
M- Of course, tell me.
S- She has brown hair now. She said it was too hard keeping up with being blonde.

S- Look mommy, you have a ding-a-ling hanging in the back of your throat. ( we were playing doctor, and he had his flashlight shining in my mouth)

S-Guess who helped me with my project at school today?
M- Who?
S- Ms. Heather, not the big Ms. Heather, the small one.

S-Mommy, when is the sun going to stop shining in my eyeballs?

S-Mommy, Abby's running around upstairs by herself.
M- How is she doing that? When I left her, she was in her crib.
S- I got her out all by myself.
M- You did what???!!!??
S- Aren't you proud of me?
M- Come show me how you did it.
(he stands on the crib railing, grabs her around the waist and slowly pulls her up until he looses his balance and they both fall to the ground)
S- See mommy she likes it. She thinks it's funny when we fall down, and she falls on top of me.
M-I see that. But, next time can you please let mommy help so you guys don't get hurt.

S- Mommy, I'm not gonna be your best friend anymore...(as he stomps away because I wouldn't let him do something)
A few minutes later he returns.
S-Mommy, I am still your best friend.

S- I want to get a jet pack for Christmas. Are they real or pretend?
M- I believe only superheroes use jet packs.
S-But mommy, I'm bored staying on the ground. (at this point his bottom lip is sticking out) I want to fly!

1 comment:

Amber Turner said...

Dear Lord I have so much to look forward to!! He is a riot! I love the comment about the "big Ms. Heather, not the small one"....I was in Nordstrom w/ Kenden the other day getting some jeans altered, and the seamstress came in and she was a "full figured" girl...well, Kenden was like, "mommy, dat girl...dat BIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGG girl!" I tried to act like I didn't know what he was saying, but I wanted to melt into the carpet, especially since he thought it was necessary to repeat it several times....don't you love their honesty!! Sam, you are so funny!