Monday, August 29

First day of Kindergarten

This little girl was so excited for the first day of school!  She chose her outfit for the special day, and looked absolutely adorable!
Yay, it's the First Day of School!!!
 Twinkle Toes (she has wanted these shoes for over a year now)
 Practicing her splits on the walk up to the bus stop.
 Even though she's a big school girl now, she still likes to hold her Mama's hand~
 Our Beautiful Girl!
 Where's that darn bus???
 There it is....Hurry, Run!!!
 After a hug and kiss from her Mama, she got on the bus.....
 and never looked back!
**Her mama held it together until she stepped on the bus--thank goodness for sunglasses!!  There's just something about putting your child on a big yellow bus and watching it drive away!!  They were definitely both happy and sad tears.  I am so happy that the transition for preschool to elementary school has not phase her one bit- however- I will miss my little sidekick during the day!**   

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