Thursday, November 29

Very Thankful

Today, I got a phone call from my mom around 5:20 saying that she and Abigail had been in a minor accident while on their way to my work. My heart skipped a beat, but she quickly reassured me that they were both okay. I could hear Abigail in the background yelling "mama" which was a good sign . I immediately said a quick prayer and thanked all of our angels up above for watching over them. It's times like this that make you step back and realize how precious life is.
So what caused this accident you might ask? A woman who ran out of gas in the center lane on West Ox road! Luckily, my mom saw her in plenty of time to stop but unfortunately the man behind her didn't and ran into the back of them followed by someone else rearending the man. As a result, not only did they get hit once but twice! After driving by the accident and feeling helpless, I went to a nearby shopping center and waited for them. Thankfully all that were involved are okay.

1 comment:

KellyA said...

Oh wow! Glad to hear everyone was ok!!