Friday, December 28


Santa has arrived!

Samuel came running into our room around 7am yelling "get up, get up, Santa came last night, come look." Tom went downstairs and turned everything on while I changed Abby. Samuel was so excited to see his Star Wars figurines & Sponge Bob Lego set along with his new matchbox car track and much more. Abby immediately started pushing her stroller across the floor until she discovered the easel. She loves to color! Then she saw her cradle with her new bitty baby in it.

Abby talking on the phone saying "ello, ello" while pushing her new stroller.

Guess what Samuel wants to be when he grows up?? You got it, a Redskins Football player!

Here they are playing with Sam's new states puzzle.

Stocking time!

By the time Memaw and Pepaw arrived at our house Abigail had already messed up her PJ's from having explosive diarrhea (sorry to be gross) but this continued throughout the day. We headed over to Grandma'ma & Papa's house late afternoon. Around 8pm Samuel told us he didn't feel well, little did we know that once we got home, he was going to start throwing up! (Someone is always sick during the holidays in the Cochariddle family, so I guess this was our year! ) Minus the illnesses we had a fun day. Santa was very good to our family this year!

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