Tuesday, September 2

First Day of Kindergarten

Samuel was very excited about starting school today! I think that he was much more comfortable after going to the school to meet his teachers last week. Around 11:05 we started walking to the bus stop. When we asked him if he was nervous, he said alittle but not much. Of course, I was pretty good until I spotted the school bus rounding the corner at 11:20. All 5 kids gave hugs and kisses to their parents and with great big grins they hopped on the school bus and never looked back. All 5 mothers had tears in their eyes as we watched the big yellow school bus drive away. It is official...He is a Kindergartener now!!

Walking with his friend Quinn to the bus stop.

The Group at the bus stop (two of the boys are in Samuel's class)

Getting on the bus...

A few comments from Samuel about his first day at school.

  • Mommy, I've been dreaming about riding a school bus!
  • I DO NOT like the "Hello Neighbor" song that we ahd to learn and sing.
  • I forgot to meet new friends today.
  • The computer room is awesome! There are so many computers.

Me: Did you learn anything new today?
Samuel: Yes
Me:What did you learn?
Samuel: I don't remember

Samuel: Today we took pictures of important people around the school so we can make a book. Me: Who did you take pictures of?
Samuel: I don't remember

  • I can't remember anything else right now because my brain isn't turned on...mommy, can you turn it on for me?

  • My favorite part of the day was riding the school bus.

Me: Samuel, it sounds like you had a fantastic day.

Here he is getting off the school bus.

1 comment:

Amber Turner said...

I have tears in my eyes reading that!! He's growing up so fast...hard to believe he is in Kindergarten. I am so glad he (and you!) made it through the first day!