Sunday, March 4

And she's off....

Abigail has officially started crawling and pulling up on everything. Before Saturday, she could pull herself up in her crib and crawl like a soldier bellying through the brush. She can now...pull up on the couch, coffee table, her bookshelf,walker, pretty much anywhere her little heart desires. Now, when she crawls, she can stay up on all fours for a longer period of time. I'm sure over the next few weeks she will figure out how to follow me from room to room to room. OH- and she puts any and everything in her mouth!!! It's baby proofing time!

We had a scare on Friday- Abigail pulled the bow she was wearing out of her hair while riding in the car. I wasn't aware of this until I was getting ready to nurse her after we got home...she started making gagging & choking noises so I immediately looked in her mouth and saw that her bow was wedged in the top of her mouth. I am so thankful I didn't come home and put her straight to bed like I usually do...for some reason I decided to nurse her. I think someone was watching over us! ;-) So, from now on Little Miss Abby will no longer wear bows unless she is supervised 100% of the time!
We had another incident on Monday. I was checking e-mail and Samuel called out..."mommy, Abigail has something in her mouth that shouldn't be in there" I ran to the family room and discovered she had a dried flower in her mouth that had fallen out of a box! Thank goodness, Samuel was looking out for his little sister! He got a lollypop for being such a good big brother!

Today after church, we went to the mall to have Abigail's feet measured. She is a size 2.5 and is following in Samuel's footsteps with a really WIDE & thick foot!

I think that's it for now...I'm sure I will have more stories as the week unfolds!

Until next time...

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